Deprecated List
Member chado_does_pub_exist ($pub_details)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_publication_exists().
Member chado_get_id_for_node ($table, $node)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_get_id_from_nid().
Member chado_get_node_id ($table, $id)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_get_nid_from_id().
Member chado_node_additional_dbxrefs_form (&$form, &$form_state, $details)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_add_node_form_dbxrefs().
Member chado_node_additional_dbxrefs_form_retreive ($node)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_retrieve_node_form_dbxrefs().
Member chado_node_additional_dbxrefs_form_update_dbxrefs ($node, $details, $retrieved_dbxrefs=FALSE)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_update_node_form_dbxrefs().
Member chado_node_properties_form ($form, &$form_state, $details)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_add_node_form_properties().
Member chado_node_properties_form_retreive ($node)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_retrieve_node_form_properties().
Member chado_node_properties_form_update_properties ($node, $details, $retrieved_properties=FALSE)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_update_node_form_properties().
Member chado_node_relationships_form (&$form, &$form_state, $details)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_add_node_form_relationships().
Member chado_node_relationships_form_retreive ($node)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_retrieve_node_form_relationships().
Member chado_node_relationships_form_update_relationships ($node, $details, $retrieved_relationships=FALSE)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_update_node_form_relationships().
Member get_max_chado_rank ($tablename, $where_options)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_get_table_max_rank().
Member pub_search ($search_array, $offset, $limit, &$total_records)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_search_publications().
Member tripal_add_legacy_mview ($name, $modulename, $mv_table, $mv_specs, $indexed, $query, $special_index, $comment)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 1.0 and will is in the process of being removed.
Member tripal_analysis_delete_property ($analysis_id, $property, $cv_name='tripal')
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by the more generic chado_delete_property().
Member tripal_analysis_get_node ($analysis_id)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_get_analysis().
Member tripal_analysis_get_property ($analysis_id, $property, $cv_name='tripal')
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_get_property().
Member tripal_analysis_insert_property ($analysis_id, $property, $value, $update_if_present=0, $cv_name='tripal')
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_insert_property().
Member tripal_analysis_register_child ($modulename)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_register_analysis_child().
Member tripal_analysis_unregister_child ($modulename)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_unregister_analysis_child().
Member tripal_analysis_update_property ($analysis_id, $property, $value, $insert_if_missing=0, $cv_name='tripal')
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_update_property().
Member tripal_bulk_loader_delete_field ($priority, $delete_field_index, $template_array)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_delete_bulk_loader_field().
Member tripal_bulk_loader_delete_record ($delete_priority, $template_array)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_delete_bulk_loader_record().
Member tripal_bulk_loader_is_record_name_unique ($new_record_name, $template_id, $template_array=NULL, $current_priority=NULL)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_is_bulk_loader_record_name_unique().
Member tripal_chado_views_add_field_to_integration ($table_name, $priority, $field)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_add_field_to_views_integration().
Member tripal_chado_views_admin_disable_view ($view_name, $redirect_link)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_disable_view().
Member tripal_chado_views_admin_enable_view ($view_name, $redirect_link)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_enable_view().
Member tripal_chado_views_clone_integration ($table_name, $new_priority=NULL, $template_priority=NULL)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_clone_views_integration().
Member tripal_chado_views_get_lightest_priority_setup ($table_name)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_get_lightest_views_integration_setup().
Member tripal_chado_views_get_setup_id ($table_name, $priority)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_get_views_integration_setup_id().
Member tripal_chado_views_get_table_lightest_priority ($table_name)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_get_lightest_views_integration_priority().
Member tripal_chado_views_integration_add_entry ($defn_array, $setup_id=FALSE)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_add_views_integration().
Member tripal_chado_views_integration_export_entry ($setup_id)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_export_views_integration().
Member tripal_chado_views_integration_remove_entry_by_setup_id ($setup_id)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_remove_views_integration().
Member tripal_chado_views_integration_remove_entry_by_table_name ($table_name, $priority)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_remove_views_integration().
Member tripal_chado_views_integration_update_entry ($setup_id, $defn_array)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_update_views_integration().
Member tripal_chado_views_is_integrated ($table_name, $priority=NULL)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_is_table_integrated().
Member tripal_chado_views_is_lightest_priority_setup ($setup_id, $table_name)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_is_lightest_priority_setup().
Member tripal_chado_views_make_view_compatible_with_external ($view)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_make_view_compatible_with_external().
Member tripal_chado_views_rebuild_views_integrations ($delete_first=FALSE)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_rebuild_views_integrations().
Member tripal_chado_views_remove_join_from_integration ($setup_id, $base_table, $base_field, $left_table, $left_field)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_remove_join_from_views_integration().
Member tripal_contact_add_contact ($name, $description, $type, $properties)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_insert_contact().
Member tripal_contact_delete_property ($contact_id, $property)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_delete_property().
Member tripal_contact_get_property ($contact_id, $property)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_get_property().
Member tripal_contact_insert_property ($contact_id, $property, $value, $update_if_present=0)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_insert_property().
Member tripal_contact_update_property ($contact_id, $property, $value, $insert_if_missing=0)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_update_property().
Member tripal_core_chado_delete ($table, $match, $options=NULL)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_delete_record().
Member tripal_core_chado_get_foreign_key ($table_desc, $field, $values, $options=NULL)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_schema_get_foreign_key().
Member tripal_core_chado_insert ($table, $values, $options=[])
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_insert_record().
Member tripal_core_chado_node_cleanup_orphaned ($table, $job_id=NULL)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_cleanup_orphaned_nodes().
Member tripal_core_chado_node_sync_form ($form, &$form_state)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_node_sync_form().
Member tripal_core_chado_node_sync_records ($base_table, $max_sync=FALSE, $organism_id=FALSE, $types=[], $ids=[], $job_id=NULL)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_node_sync_records().
Member tripal_core_chado_schema_exists ()
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_is_local().
Member tripal_core_chado_select ($table, $columns, $values, $options=NULL)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_select_record().
Member tripal_core_chado_update ($table, $match, $values, $options=NULL)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_update_record().
Member tripal_core_create_custom_table (&$ret, $table, $schema, $skip_creation=1)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_create_custom_table().
Member tripal_core_delete_property ($basetable, $record_id, $property, $cv_name)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_delete_property().
Member tripal_core_delete_property_by_id ($basetable, $property_id)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function is considered to be no easier to use than chado_delete_record directly chado_delete_record().
Member tripal_core_edit_custom_table ($table_id, $table_name, $schema, $skip_creation=1)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_edit_custom_table().
Member tripal_core_expand_chado_vars ($object, $type, $to_expand, $table_options=[])
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_expand_var().
Member tripal_core_generate_chado_var ($table, $values, $base_options=[])
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_generate_var().
Member tripal_core_get_chado_table_schema ($table)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_get_schema().
Member tripal_core_get_chado_tables ($include_custom=NULL)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_get_table_names().
Member tripal_core_get_chado_version ($exact=FALSE, $warn_if_unsupported=FALSE)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_get_version().
Member tripal_core_get_property ($basetable, $record_id, $property, $cv_name)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_get_property().
Member tripal_core_insert_property ($basetable, $record_id, $property, $cv_name, $value, $update_if_present=0)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_insert_property().
Member tripal_core_is_chado_installed ()
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_is_installed().
Member tripal_core_is_chado_local ()
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_is_local().
Member tripal_core_is_tripal_node_type ()
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. There is no new functionality as this function was deamed unnecessary.
Member tripal_core_report_error ($type, $severity, $message, $variables=[], $options=[])

Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_set_admin_message().

Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_report_error().

Member tripal_core_schema_exists ($schema)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_dbschema_exists().
Member tripal_core_update_property ($basetable, $record_id, $property, $cv_name, $value, $insert_if_missing=0)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_update_property().
Member tripal_core_update_property_by_id ($basetable, $record_id, $property, $cv_name, $value)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_update_property().
Member tripal_create_mod_subdir ($module_name, $path)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_create_files_dir().
Member tripal_create_moddir ($module_name)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_create_files_dir().
Member tripal_custom_tables_get_table_id ($table_name)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_get_custom_table_id().
Member tripal_cv_add_cv ($name, $definition)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_insert_cv().
Member tripal_cv_add_cvterm ($term, $defaultcv='_global', $is_relationship=0, $update=1, $dbname='internal')
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_insert_cvterm().
Member tripal_cv_add_obo_ref ($name, $path)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_insert_obo().
Member tripal_cv_cvterm_name_autocomplete ($cv_id, $string='')
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_autocomplete_cvterm().
Member tripal_cv_get_cv ($select_values)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_get_cv().
Member tripal_cv_get_cv_by_id ($cv_id)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_get_cv().
Member tripal_cv_get_cv_by_name ($name)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_get_cv().
Member tripal_cv_get_cv_id ($cv_name)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_get_cv().
Member tripal_cv_get_cv_options ()
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_get_cv_select_options().
Member tripal_cv_get_cvterm_by_id ($cvterm_id)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_get_cvterm().
Member tripal_cv_get_cvterm_by_name ($name, $cv_id=NULL, $cv_name='tripal')
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_get_cvterm().
Member tripal_cv_get_cvterm_by_synonym ($synonym, $cv_id=NULL, $cv_name='tripal')
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_get_cvterm().
Member tripal_cv_get_cvterm_options ($cv_id=0)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_get_cvterm_select_options().
Member tripal_cv_submit_obo_job ($obo_id=NULL, $obo_name=NULL, $obo_url=NULL, $obo_file=NULL)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_submit_obo_job().
Member tripal_cv_update_cvtermpath ($cvid, $job_id=NULL)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_update_cvtermpath().
Member tripal_db_add_db ($dbname, $description='', $url='', $urlprefix='', $update=0)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_insert_db().
Member tripal_db_add_dbxref ($db_id, $accession, $version='', $description='')
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_insert_dbxref().
Member tripal_db_add_dbxref_link ($linking_table, $dbxref_id, $foreignkey_name, $foreignkey_id)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_associate_dbxref().
Member tripal_db_get_db ($select_values)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_get_db().
Member tripal_db_get_db_by_db_id ($db_id)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_get_db().
Member tripal_db_get_db_by_name ($name)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_get_db().
Member tripal_db_get_db_options ()
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_get_db_select_options().
Member tripal_db_get_dbxref ($select_values)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_get_db().
Member tripal_db_get_dbxref_by_accession ($accession, $db_id=0)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_get_db().
Member tripal_db_set_active ($dbname='default')
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_set_active().
Member tripal_feature_add_cvterm ($feature_id, $cvname, $cvterm)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_associate_cvterm().
Member tripal_feature_add_dbxref ($feature_id, $dbname, $accession)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_associate_dbxref().
Member tripal_feature_analysis_delete_property ($analysis_id=NULL, $feature_id=NULL, $analysisfeature_id=NULL, $property, $cv_name='tripal')
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_delete_property().
Member tripal_feature_analysis_delete_property_by_id ($analysisfeatureprop_id)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_delete_record().
Member tripal_feature_analysis_get_property ($analysis_id=NULL, $feature_id=NULL, $analysisfeature_id=NULL, $property, $cv_name='tripal')
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_get_property().
Member tripal_feature_analysis_insert_property ($analysis_id=NULL, $feature_id=NULL, $analysisfeature_id=NULL, $property, $value, $update_if_present=0, $cv_name='tripal')
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_insert_property().
Member tripal_feature_analysis_update_property ($analysis_id=NULL, $feature_id=NULL, $analysisfeature_id=NULL, $property, $value, $insert_if_missing=0, $cv_name='tripal')
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_update_property().
Member tripal_feature_analysis_update_property_by_id ($analysisfeatureprop_id, $property, $value, $cv_name='tripal')
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_update_property().
Member tripal_feature_delete_property ($feature_id, $property, $cv_name='tripal')
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_delete_property().
Member tripal_feature_delete_property_by_id ($featureprop_id)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_delete_record().
Member tripal_feature_get_property ($feature_id, $property, $cv_name='tripal')
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_get_property().
Member tripal_feature_insert_property ($feature_id, $property, $value, $update_if_present=0, $cv_name='tripal')
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_insert_property().
Member tripal_feature_reverse_complement ($sequence)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_reverse_compliment_sequence().
Member tripal_feature_update_property ($feature_id, $property, $value, $insert_if_missing=0, $cv_name='tripal')
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_update_property().
Member tripal_feature_update_property_by_id ($featureprop_id, $property, $value, $cv_name='tripal')
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_update_property().
Member tripal_featuremap_add_featuremap_dbxref ($featuremap_id, $featuremap_dbxref)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_associate_dbxref().
Member tripal_featuremap_delete_property ($featuremap_id, $property)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_delete_property().
Member tripal_featuremap_get_property ($featuremap_id, $property)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_get_property().
Member tripal_featuremap_insert_property ($featuremap_id, $property, $value, $update_if_present=0)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_insert_property().
Member tripal_featuremap_update_property ($featuremap_id, $property, $value, $insert_if_missing=0)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_update_property().
Member tripal_file_directory_path ()
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_create_files_dir().
Member tripal_get_chado_custom_schema ($table)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_get_custom_table_schema().
Member tripal_get_max_chado_rank ($tablename, $where_options)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_get_table_max_rank().
Member tripal_get_moddir ($module_name)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_get_files_dir().
Member tripal_get_module_active_jobs ($modulename)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_get_active_jobs().
Member tripal_job_set_progress ($job_id, $percentage)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_set_job_progress().
Member tripal_jobs_cancel ($job_id, $redirect=TRUE)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_cancel_job().
Member tripal_jobs_check_running ()
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_is_job_running().
Member tripal_jobs_get_end_time ($job)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_get_job_end().
Member tripal_jobs_get_start_time ($job)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_get_job_start().
Member tripal_jobs_get_submit_date ($job)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_get_job_submit_date().
Member tripal_jobs_launch ($do_parallel=0, $job_id=NULL)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_launch_job().
Member tripal_jobs_rerun ($job_id, $goto_jobs_page=TRUE)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_rerun_job().
Member tripal_library_delete_property ($library_id, $property)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_delete_property().
Member tripal_library_get_property ($library_id, $property)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_get_property().
Member tripal_library_insert_property ($library_id, $property, $value, $update_if_present=0)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_insert_property().
Member tripal_library_update_property ($library_id, $property, $value, $insert_if_missing=0)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_update_property().
Member tripal_mviews_action ($op, $mview_id, $redirect=FALSE)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_refresh_mview(), and tripal_delete_mview().
Member tripal_mviews_get_mview_id ($view_name)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function is considered to be no easier to use than tripal_get_mview_id directly tripal_get_mview_id().
Member tripal_organism_get_image_url ($organism, $nid=NULL)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_get_organism_image().
Member tripal_organism_get_organism_by_nid ($nid)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_get_organism().
Member tripal_organism_get_organism_by_organism_id ($organism_id)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_get_organism().
Member tripal_organism_get_synced ()
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_get_organism_select_options().
Member tripal_project_delete_property ($project_id, $property)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_delete_property().
Member tripal_project_get_property ($project_id, $property)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_get_property().
Member tripal_project_insert_property ($project_id, $property, $value, $update_if_present=0)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_insert_property().
Member tripal_project_update_property ($project_id, $property, $value, $insert_if_missing=0)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_update_property().
Member tripal_pub_add_pub_dbxref ($pub_id, $pub_dbxref)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_associate_dbxref().
Member tripal_pub_delete_property ($pub_id, $property)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_delete_property().
Member tripal_pub_get_property ($pub_id, $property)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_get_property().
Member tripal_pub_get_pub_by_uniquename ($uniquenname)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_get_publication().
Member tripal_pub_get_pubs_by_dbxref ($pub_dbxref)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_get_publication().
Member tripal_pub_get_pubs_by_title_type_pyear_series ($title, $type=NULL, $pyear=NULL, $series_name=NULL)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_get_publication().
Member tripal_pub_get_raw_data ($dbxref)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_get_remote_pub_record().
Member tripal_pub_get_remote_search_results ($remote_db, $search_array, $num_to_retrieve, $page=0)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_get_remote_pubs().
Member tripal_pub_import_by_dbxref ($pub_dbxref, $do_contact=FALSE, $do_update)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_import_multiple_publications().
Member tripal_pub_import_publications ($report_email=FALSE, $do_update=FALSE)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_import_multiple_publications().
Member tripal_pub_import_publications_by_import_id ($import_id, $job_id=NULL)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_import_multiple_publications().
Member tripal_pub_insert_property ($pub_id, $property, $value, $update_if_present=0)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_insert_property().
Member tripal_pub_update_property ($pub_id, $property, $value, $insert_if_missing=0)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_update_property().
Member tripal_pub_update_publications ($do_contact=FALSE, $dbxref=NULL, $db=NULL)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by chado_update_multiple_publications().
Member tripal_stock_get_all_stocks ()
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_get_multiple_stocks().
Member tripal_stock_get_stock_by_name_identifier ($name, $organism_id)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_get_stock().
Member tripal_stock_get_stock_by_nid ($nid)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_get_stock().
Member tripal_stock_get_stock_by_stock_id ($stock_id)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_get_stock().
Member tripal_stock_get_stocks ($values)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_get_multiple_stocks().
Member tripal_stock_get_stocks_by_stockprop ($stockprop_values, $stock_values)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_get_stock().
Member tripal_update_mview ($mview_id)
Restructured API to make naming more readable and consistent. Function was deprecated in Tripal 2.0 and will be removed 2 releases from now. This function has been replaced by tripal_populate_mview().