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TripalFieldWidget Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for TripalFieldWidget:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

 __construct ($field, $instance=NULL)
 form (&$widget, &$form, &$form_state, $langcode, $items, $delta, $element)
 validate ($element, $form, &$form_state, $langcode, $delta)
 validateDefaults ($element, $form, &$form_state, $langcode, $delta)
 submit ($form, &$form_state, $entity_type, $entity, $langcode, $delta)
 theme ($element)

Static Public Member Functions

static info ()

Static Public Attributes

static $default_label = 'Tripal Field.'
static $field_types = ['no_widget']

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __construct()

TripalFieldWidget::__construct (   $field,
  $instance = NULL 

Instantiates a new TripalFieldWidget object.

$fieldAn array containing the field data as returned by field_info_field()
$instance(Optional). Set the instance of this field when one is available. This is necessary when working with instance specific functions such as the formatterSettingsForm, widgetForm, etc.

Reimplemented in sbo__relationship_widget.

Member Function Documentation

◆ form()

TripalFieldWidget::form ( $widget,

Provides the form for editing of this field.

This function corresponds to the hook_field_widget_form() function of the Drupal Field API.

This form is diplayed when the user creates a new entity or edits an existing entity. If the field is attached to the entity then the form provided by this function will be displayed.

At a minimum, the form must have a 'value' element. For Tripal, the 'value' element of a field always corresponds to the value that is presented to the end-user either directly on the page (with formatting) or via web services, or some other mechanism. However, the 'value' is sometimes not enough for a field. For example, the Tripal Chado module maps fields to table columns and sometimes those columns are foreign keys therefore, the Tripal Chado modules does not just use the 'value' but adds additional elements to help link records via FKs. But even in this case the 'value' element must always be present in the return form and in such cases it's value should be set equal to that added in the 'load' function.

$formThe form structure where widgets are being attached to. This might be a full form structure, or a sub-element of a larger form.
$form_stateAn associative array containing the current state of the form.
$langcodeThe language associated with $items.
$itemsArray of default values for this field.
$deltaThe order of this item in the array of subelements (0, 1, 2, etc).
$elementA form element array containing basic properties for the widget:
  • #entity_type: The name of the entity the field is attached to.
  • #bundle: The name of the field bundle the field is contained in.
  • #field_name: The name of the field.
  • #language: The language the field is being edited in.
  • #field_parents: The 'parents' space for the field in the form. Most widgets can simply overlook this property. This identifies the location where the field values are placed within $form_state['values'], and is used to access processing information for the field through the field_form_get_state() and field_form_set_state() functions.
  • #columns: A list of field storage columns of the field.
  • #title: The sanitized element label for the field instance, ready for output.
  • #description: The sanitized element description for the field instance, ready for output.
  • #required: A Boolean indicating whether the element value is required; for required multiple value fields, only the first widget's values are required.
  • #delta: The order of this item in the array of subelements; see $delta above

Reimplemented in remote__data_widget, uo__unit_widget, taxrank__infraspecific_taxon_widget, so__transcript_widget, so__genotype_widget, so__cds_widget, sio__vocabulary_widget, sio__references_widget, sio__annotation_widget, sep__protocol_widget, schema__publication_widget, schema__alternate_name_widget, schema__additional_type_widget, sbo__relationship_widget, sbo__phenotype_widget, sbo__database_cross_reference_widget, operation__analysis_widget, ogi__location_on_map_widget, obi__organism_widget, local__source_data_widget, local__contact_widget, go__gene_expression_widget, efo__array_design_widget, data__sequence_record_widget, data__sequence_length_widget, data__sequence_coordinates_widget, data__sequence_checksum_widget, data__sequence_widget, data__protein_sequence_widget, data__accession_widget, chado_linker__prop_widget, chado_linker__contact_widget, and rdfs__type_widget.

◆ info()

static TripalFieldWidget::info ( )

Provides information about the widgets provided by this field.

This function corresponds to the hook_field_widget_info() function of the Drupal Field API.

This is a static function as it provides default values for all of the widgets for this field type, and thus we don't need an instantiated object to provide this information.

An associative array with key/value pairs compatible with those from the hook_field_widget_info() function of the Drupal Field API.

◆ submit()

TripalFieldWidget::submit (   $form,

Performs extra commands when the entity form is submitted.

Drupal typically does not provide a submit hook for fields. The TripalField provides one to allow for behind-the-scenes actions to occur. This function should never be used for updates, deletes or inserts for the Chado table associated with the field. Rather, the storage backend should be allowed to handle inserts, updates deletes. However, it is permissible to perform inserts, updates or deletions within Chado using this function. Those operations can be performed if needed but on other tables not directly associated with the field.

An example is the chado.feature_synonym table. The chado_linker__synonym field allows the user to provide a brand new synonym and it must add it to the chado.synonym table prior to the record in the chado.feature_synonym table. This insert occurs in the widgetFormSubmit function.

$entity_typeThe type of $entity.
$entityThe entity for the operation.
$fieldThe field structure for the operation.
$instanceThe instance structure for $field on $entity's bundle.
$langcodeThe language associated with $items.
$items$entity->{$field['field_name']}[$langcode], or an empty array if unset.
$formThe submitted form array.
$form_state. The form state array.

Reimplemented in so__transcript_widget, so__genotype_widget, sio__references_widget, sio__annotation_widget, sep__protocol_widget, schema__alternate_name_widget, sbo__phenotype_widget, sbo__database_cross_reference_widget, ogi__location_on_map_widget, go__gene_expression_widget, data__sequence_length_widget, data__sequence_coordinates_widget, and data__accession_widget.

◆ theme()

TripalFieldWidget::theme (   $element)

The theme function for the widget.

$elementA form element array containing basic properties for the widget:
  • #entity_type: The name of the entity the field is attached to.
  • #bundle: The name of the field bundle the field is contained in.
  • #field_name: The name of the field.
  • #language: The language the field is being edited in.
  • #field_parents: The 'parents' space for the field in the form. Most widgets can simply overlook this property. This identifies the location where the field values are placed within $form_state['values'], and is used to access processing information for the field through the field_form_get_state() and field_form_set_state() functions.
  • #columns: A list of field storage columns of the field.
  • #title: The sanitized element label for the field instance, ready for output.
  • #description: The sanitized element description for the field instance, ready for output.
  • #required: A Boolean indicating whether the element value is required; for required multiple value fields, only the first widget's values are required.
  • #delta: The order of this item in the array of subelements; see $delta above
A drupal renderable array or HTML or an empty string if no theming is to be applied.

Reimplemented in sio__annotation_widget, schema__publication_widget, schema__alternate_name_widget, sbo__relationship_widget, sbo__database_cross_reference_widget, and data__accession_widget.

◆ validate()

TripalFieldWidget::validate (   $element,

Performs validation of the widget form.

Use this validate to ensure that form values are entered correctly.

The 'value' key of this field must be set in the $form_state['values'] array anytime data is entered by the user. It may be the case that there are other fields for helping select a value. In the end those helper fields must be used to set the 'value' field.

TROUBLESHOOTING: If your widget doesn't appear to be saving data, check the following:

  • Is $form_state['values'] set to a TRUE value (e.g. a string)?
  • Do you have the keys needed by the storage backend? For example, ChadoFields need chado-[tablename]__[columnname] keys for all chado columns. Look at the storage backend for more documentation.

Reimplemented in remote__data_widget, uo__unit_widget, taxrank__infraspecific_taxon_widget, so__cds_widget, sio__vocabulary_widget, sep__protocol_widget, schema__publication_widget, schema__alternate_name_widget, schema__additional_type_widget, sbo__relationship_widget, sbo__database_cross_reference_widget, operation__analysis_widget, obi__organism_widget, local__source_data_widget, local__contact_widget, efo__array_design_widget, data__sequence_record_widget, data__sequence_checksum_widget, data__sequence_widget, data__accession_widget, chado_linker__prop_widget, and chado_linker__contact_widget.

◆ validateDefaults()

TripalFieldWidget::validateDefaults (   $element,

Performs validation of the widget form when setting defaults.

Use this validate to ensure that form values are entered correctly when a user edits the defaults on the field edit page (available from the "managed fields" section of the Content type page.

Reimplemented in data__sequence_widget, and chado_linker__prop_widget.

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